
Again I grumble

Here I am again to say that WOW I do not enjoy working “for a living.” I’m young-ish and can’t imagine going on like this for 30+ more years. Had to use two hours of PTO today to get out early because I was just crawling out of my skin. Decent gig, WFH, don’t want to look a gift horse in the mouth but still…. Feels like there’s literally nothing to look forward to in life (yes I go to therapy). I just work, work out, care for my living space, etc, then go to sleep. I do have some hobbies and volunteer in my community, but I’m SO exhausted when doing those things that they don’t feel very enriching. 🦕Very unfulfilled.

Here I am again to say that WOW I do not enjoy working “for a living.”
I’m young-ish and can’t imagine going on like this for 30+ more years.
Had to use two hours of PTO today to get out early because I was just crawling out of my skin.
Decent gig, WFH, don’t want to look a gift horse in the mouth but still…. Feels like there’s literally nothing to look forward to in life (yes I go to therapy).
I just work, work out, care for my living space, etc, then go to sleep.
I do have some hobbies and volunteer in my community, but I’m SO exhausted when doing those things that they don’t feel very enriching.

🦕Very unfulfilled.

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