
My supervisor got me written up then quits!

My supervisor reported my group over an incident that happened a week ago telling the manager that we was ignoring her and I was not doing my job. I explained to the manager that we didn’t ignore her and we completed our tasks but they still wrote me up and didn’t even bother to question anyone else in my group. A few hours later the supervisor who reported me packed all her things and just quits without saying explaining why. Im just very pissed about this whole situation, I literally did nothing and why even fake snitch if you were thinking about quitting anyway!

My supervisor reported my group over an incident that happened a week ago telling the manager that we was ignoring her and I was not doing my job.

I explained to the manager that we didn’t ignore her and we completed our tasks but they still wrote me up and didn’t even bother to question anyone else in my group.

A few hours later the supervisor who reported me packed all her things and just quits without saying explaining why.

Im just very pissed about this whole situation, I literally did nothing and why even fake snitch if you were thinking about quitting anyway!

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