
I’m Burnt out and have anxiety….I can’t seem to relax after work or on days off.

Gaslighting, over worked under paid…having the anxiety of potentially being fired or laid off. I can't stand it. I feel like whenever I have a day off I can't even seem to relax and set aside work stress. What do you do to help at least relax when you get off work. I feel like quitting and looking for another job. I'm currently a CNA…and been in the medical field for over 10 years

Gaslighting, over worked under paid…having the anxiety of potentially being fired or laid off. I can't stand it. I feel like whenever I have a day off I can't even seem to relax and set aside work stress. What do you do to help at least relax when you get off work. I feel like quitting and looking for another job. I'm currently a CNA…and been in the medical field for over 10 years

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