
This coworker goes out of her way to antagonize me

Ranting that I’m just trying to do this job and go home. This girl (who I helped train btw) recently went from part time to full time and is on the same shift as me. Been putting up with her for months now. She comes in and instantly finds something minor/easily fixable to complain about (could be someone forgetting to erase the dry erase board or forgetting to put a document away) . Or she tries to tell me what to do. She likes to play dumb and ask obvious questions to make herself seem smart. Loves to point out my mistakes (hears a timer going off and tells me I left it on-no duh I hear it) . Half the stuff she tries to tell me how to do isn’t even right (like I know I helped train her but trainees tend to slowly cut corners and forget how…

Ranting that I’m just trying to do this job and go home. This girl (who I helped train btw) recently went from part time to full time and is on the same shift as me.

Been putting up with her for months now. She comes in and instantly finds something minor/easily fixable to complain about (could be someone forgetting to erase the dry erase board or forgetting to put a document away) . Or she tries to tell me what to do. She likes to play dumb and ask obvious questions to make herself seem smart. Loves to point out my mistakes (hears a timer going off and tells me I left it on-no duh I hear it) . Half the stuff she tries to tell me how to do isn’t even right (like I know I helped train her but trainees tend to slowly cut corners and forget how to do stuff the right way/develop misconceptions)

I’ll be on the other side of the room and she’ll come over to tell me something no one cares about. Shoot I’ll be in another room and she’ll sniff me out like a blood hound and come complain to me about someone else

I’m losing my patience, when she bothers me I tend to say ok or walk away and have not snapped at her once but damn I feel like I’m going crazy.

I told my boss how annoying she is and asked if I could work a few hours later in the day so I don’t have to deal with her attitude as much . But my boss emailed me “That’d be too many night people. Everyone has to work with everyone. I know some personalities can be difficult, especially so early in the morning but try to make the best of it and create a more friendly work environment if possible so it doesn’t cause stress on yourself or her. We definitely all have co-workers that it is harder to work with, myself included.”

…and instead of putting me later she told me I could be scheduled an hour earlier (oh well I guess that’s an hour of peace and quiet away from my coworker)

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