
My Manager at work kept on telling me that I am really dumb today because of a small mistake at work. What steps can I take from here?

I work at a major Retail. Today I made a small and fixable mistake at work. My Manager was present when this happened and he went on to shout at me and continuosly calling me dumb over and over again. He kept saying “you are so dumb man, so dumb.” This went on for a few minutes, where he kept on criticising me for the mistake and telling me how I am really dumb and can’t get basic things done. I have generalised anxiety disorder. This felt really threatening and I was shaking by the time he was done. I feel really insulted but couldn’t really say anything at the time. I absolutely want to do something that lets him know how unprofessional and shitty that was for him to do. He is about to be transferred to another branch soon so I wouldn’t have to deal with him after…

I work at a major Retail. Today I made a small and fixable mistake at work. My Manager was present when this happened and he went on to shout at me and continuosly calling me dumb over and over again. He kept saying “you are so dumb man, so dumb.” This went on for a few minutes, where he kept on criticising me for the mistake and telling me how I am really dumb and can’t get basic things done.

I have generalised anxiety disorder. This felt really threatening and I was shaking by the time he was done. I feel really insulted but couldn’t really say anything at the time. I absolutely want to do something that lets him know how unprofessional and shitty that was for him to do. He is about to be transferred to another branch soon so I wouldn’t have to deal with him after this month and he can’t really get back at me if i do something.

I need suggestions of anything that I can do so that he knows never to do that to any employees again.

(I also have a graduate job lined up and will be leaving this job soon so I don’t care about any repercussions that may come from me doing something about this incident).

Thank you.

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