
I just quit my job at Petsmart. Seeking advice!

Not sure if this is allowed here, but I know Reddit has some intelligent, insightful people with connections and knowledge. I've worked at Petsmart for a year now. Today I walked out of the store and I'm not returning. For sake of a mass text and anonymity I will try to keep this short. Since day one of starting this job the store leader has had it out for me. My very first day she accused me of stealing $150 out of the register. I've never worked a register before (I've always worked at restaurants) and it was my first training day for that very thing! I got nervous because I was left by myself to figure out how to do it like everything else there. So usually we put $50 bills and $100 bills in a safe below the register. It's not allowed in the drawer. This lady in…

Not sure if this is allowed here, but I know Reddit has some intelligent, insightful people with connections and knowledge.

I've worked at Petsmart for a year now. Today I walked out of the store and I'm not returning.

For sake of a mass text and anonymity I will try to keep this short.

Since day one of starting this job the store leader has had it out for me. My very first day she accused me of stealing $150 out of the register. I've never worked a register before (I've always worked at restaurants) and it was my first training day for that very thing! I got nervous because I was left by myself to figure out how to do it like everything else there. So usually we put $50 bills and $100 bills in a safe below the register. It's not allowed in the drawer. This lady in line was rushing me and yelling about how long it was taking. My hands fumbled and I ended up giving her the change she was due, plus the money she had gave me.
I only realized my mistake after she had started running out of the store and by then it was too late.
I immediately told my store leader exactly what happened. There's two cameras up front so you can easily see what had happened. Regardless she comes out 2 hours later and tells me take the money out of my pocket and give it to her. I told her to check the cameras again and why would I bring attention to this incident if I was attempting to steal?
I'm poor, but not $150 out of the register for my new job poor.
Back and forth talking till she finally admits she was wrong. Made me bawl my eyes out.

New scenario a month later, store leader has my number and has been texting asking about going to the bar and getting a drink. Store leader is married with 2 kids. I am also married and happily so. Store leader is (35F). I am (22F). I am uncomfortable repeatedly. I laugh off the sexual comments because she's my boss and I'm scarred from the first experience and I'm only a month in. She gets out of control with it talking about my ass in my jeans, my husband doesn't deserve me and I'm out of his league ect.
I discuss this with hubby, he's not mad just asked me to tell her to please stop flirting at work.
I ask her to stop and she immediately tells me to delete my texts next time and to please not tell corporate.

Third scenario, 5 months in, work is getting pushed onto me because I'm in Petcare and no one else does their job before I come in. I clean up everyone's slack and then do my own work. I'm trying to be humble, but I also take pride in the fact that I work extremely hard in that department. Never mind that I just want to make sure animals are taken care of. I mention it's getting a little stressful with how much workload I'm getting put on me and am assured/ promised they are going to make me a petcare manager with a raise and my own set of keys very soon.

Fourth and final scenario is now the year mark. I quit today because the last 5 months have been a literal hell. Store leader is yelling at everyone and saying awful things about associates to other associates/ and or managers. Not to mention I am still not petcare manager nor do I have a raise and keys. Manager who tells me the tea, told me today that they made the position up so that I would stop whining and crying about the workload getting put on me. People who work at Petsmart will probably understand better, but the amount of work you put into Petcare is suffocating. So I was very taken aback because I never even asked for any of those things and now they aren't giving it to me? Like okay Petsmart. Long story short said store leader has been telling everyone I am an awful worker and that I shouldn't be at this store any longer. She tells other associates sexual comments about me one day then will say I suck at my job the next day.

I had no intention ever of going to corporate over this, I just wanted to stay out of trouble and do my job because I love what I do, but I've been told by a few people I should do something about this. My only problem is said store leader has district leader wrapped around her finger.

Not sure if there's anything I can even do, but I thought I'd ask you smart people for some advice. My experience there has left me shaken, the entire work place was so toxic. I thrive off of constructive criticism and praise when you get something right. I never received any of that there. Just passive aggressive and unwanted sexual advances. Thanks in advance!!

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