
How should I report this?

So I work at a fast food chain and I actually really like it here, nearly all my coworkers are cool except for one manager, I hate him. I have evidence that he said “that new girl is stupid” behind my back (I wasn’t new), he talks down on all the employees, takes a shit ton of food with him when he leaves, and gives me hell. A few days ago (I’ve been letting this simmer, trying to decide if I even want to report) I was on table, where the food and everything is made, doing assembly. We ran out of boxes for one item, so we just started using our generic universal boxes for this item that is usually used for limited time items and when putting the item up on the bagging area we would just call out “hey this is ‘item 1’” or “this is ‘item…

So I work at a fast food chain and I actually really like it here, nearly all my coworkers are cool except for one manager, I hate him.
I have evidence that he said “that new girl is stupid” behind my back (I wasn’t new), he talks down on all the employees, takes a shit ton of food with him when he leaves, and gives me hell.
A few days ago (I’ve been letting this simmer, trying to decide if I even want to report) I was on table, where the food and everything is made, doing assembly. We ran out of boxes for one item, so we just started using our generic universal boxes for this item that is usually used for limited time items and when putting the item up on the bagging area we would just call out “hey this is ‘item 1’” or “this is ‘item 2’”. There were three managers on the floor, one in the back, and two up front. Manager C, didn’t mind and if she forgot what I said she would politely ask “hey what’s in here?” Or she would open it and look herself, Manager D however, had a problem with this and decided to chew me out saying “you guys need to be marking these boxes so we know what the hell we’re looking at.”. So I very passive aggressively went to the back to Manager M and said “do you have something I can “mark” these boxes with because if Manager D snaps at me one more time I’m done.” So she gave me a blue highlighter, it wouldn’t work on the boxes because of the grease of course. Then the rest of Manager D’s shift he was loudly cursing to himself at things going wrong up front like “are you f**g sg me?” And “Can something f****g cooperate for once?”. Then when he was going to leave, he asked me to make his complex food, seeing that I was on table by myself with a screen full of orders, (he usually makes his food himself, I’m not sure why he asked me to make it for him this time.). So he tells me what he wants, but he’s vague with it, and before I can ask for more details he walks away, one item I made no problem but the other one he wasn’t very specific with, we have 6 different chicken sandwiches and all he said was “chicken sandwich no pickles” so of course I’m like “which one??” So I don’t make it, I wait until he comes back like “where’s my food” and I say “we have 6 different chicken sandwiches which one do you want no pickle?” And he looks at me like I’m stupid and goes “just a regular chicken sandwich with no pickle how much more specific can I be just bun and chicken, jeez.” so now I’m fuming, I very angerly make the sandwich (slamming the box, tossing it on the bagging area and walking away.) and THEN this ASS goes “uhh can you give me a bigger piece of chicken??”. Now I’m ready to snap 100% but the other person that was on table with me (who’s also a manager) sees what’s going on and steps in front of me and trades the chicken out, I’m assuming he knew I was going to go blow up on Manager D and stepped in.

So how do I report this? I know who I have to talk to and everything but what does this qualify as? Harassment?

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