
I’m Reaching my Breaking Point with my job

It has barely been a year at my current job and i'm already at my wits end and just ready to quit on the spot. There's constant gaps of communication between management and staff while I'm working on projects to where now I'm the scapegoat to why there's lapse in communication. There's constant thing where I'm being told by my supervisor on areas for improvement from other staff, but yet I'm not hearing it directly from them either. I'm being guilt tripped into juggling and taking on so many projects to keep myself busy when I'm constantly telling my supervisor on what other additional tasks, trainings, or video calls I can observe and while he agrees, he fails to follow up unless I ask him. I got reprimanded a few weeks ago for being away from the office too much because I was in another huddle room doing work. Ever…

It has barely been a year at my current job and i'm already at my wits end and just ready to quit on the spot. There's constant gaps of communication between management and staff while I'm working on projects to where now I'm the scapegoat to why there's lapse in communication. There's constant thing where I'm being told by my supervisor on areas for improvement from other staff, but yet I'm not hearing it directly from them either. I'm being guilt tripped into juggling and taking on so many projects to keep myself busy when I'm constantly telling my supervisor on what other additional tasks, trainings, or video calls I can observe and while he agrees, he fails to follow up unless I ask him. I got reprimanded a few weeks ago for being away from the office too much because I was in another huddle room doing work. Ever since then I noticed myself being overly cautious on how I come off with my work so I don't end up feeling like I'm being super watched (even though I am).

Being in the office reminds me why I miss wfh work. It's less distracting and I can get my work done in a timely fashion. When I'm in the office, I'm constantly hearing distracting conversations from him and other folks who remain in the office and I can't even type an email out without them talking so loudly. The work that I do does not require me to be in the office almost everyday. the building itself is so empty because everyone else gets to work from home except for our department. Even during sick or snow days there's anxiety about asking management for wfh days because often times they'll cop an attitude about it the next day or whatever. At this point I stopped caring because no matter what I do, there's lack of appreciation on the work I do or how I show up. It's like the more you kiss up or bootlick, the more they look down on you. Lately I've become more irritable and have anxiety to where work thoughts bleed into my personal life and I just want to transfer departments already so I don't have to deal with this anymore. I came into this position full of excitement and it has been snuffed out completely. I honestly do not even care about the scope of the work on how burnt out and emotionally exhausted I am. I don't even attend to my other sources of income anymore because when I get home, all I wanna do is just lay down.

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