
Do I take the red flag job?

Went in for a job interview today for a company that is clearly problematic. It's an office job at an elderly care place, where I would mostly be doing admin assistant type work. I'm in school right now for accounting and don't have any safety network to fall back on (no family or friends). I don't have any degrees so all I've been able to find is slave-wage jobs that are extremely physical, and basically not an option for me since I'm disabled (physically as well as mental health issues). The pros: -good for my resume -decent ish pay (18/hr but its silicon valley) – I get to sit down The Cons: -boss was creepy and talked about how smooth my skin was multiple times, as well as offered isolated rides home. (seems to have terrible lack of boundaries and respect) -boss straight up told me she yells at her…

Went in for a job interview today for a company that is clearly problematic.

It's an office job at an elderly care place, where I would mostly be doing admin assistant type work. I'm in school right now for accounting and don't have any safety network to fall back on (no family or friends). I don't have any degrees so all I've been able to find is slave-wage jobs that are extremely physical, and basically not an option for me since I'm disabled (physically as well as mental health issues).

The pros:

-good for my resume

-decent ish pay (18/hr but its silicon valley)

– I get to sit down

The Cons:

-boss was creepy and talked about how smooth my skin was multiple times, as well as offered isolated rides home. (seems to have terrible lack of boundaries and respect)

-boss straight up told me she yells at her employees when she is stressed (even if the employees have nothing to do with it).

-the person who is to train me seemed like she didn't want me there? Or that she didn't want to be there

-boss made sure to tell me she hates employees who “take advantage of their workplaces” by getting workers comp and unemployment.

-boss just seemed generally unprofessional and disorganized.

-real weird vibes all around.

Should I just do it anyways?

Are there actually better options out there for me?

Am I gonna get serial killed if I take this job?

Please help

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