
Broke my ankle and HR found a loop hole

So I work around kids but my job doesn’t have me directly with them unless absolutely necessary. I broke my ankle and just came back to work because they won’t allow me to work from home. The thing is my job can be done from home because when there’s bad weather they make us work from home all the time. So yesterday I was told to go in the classroom with the kids for the full 4 hours (after school Program). The kids almost hit my leg four times and one kid did it on purpose. Another kid stole my crutches and was playing around with them and could have hurt herself or others. I called HR and told them all of this and reminded them that I was on strict office/desk duty for 2 more weeks. I was told “well your note doesn’t say you can’t be around and…

So I work around kids but my job doesn’t have me directly with them unless absolutely necessary. I broke my ankle and just came back to work because they won’t allow me to work from home. The thing is my job can be done from home because when there’s bad weather they make us work from home all the time.

So yesterday I was told to go in the classroom with the kids for the full 4 hours (after school Program). The kids almost hit my leg four times and one kid did it on purpose. Another kid stole my crutches and was playing around with them and could have hurt herself or others. I called HR and told them all of this and reminded them that I was on strict office/desk duty for 2 more weeks. I was told “well your note doesn’t say you can’t be around and walk around the kids so you’re going to have to do that sometimes as part of the job.” Mind you I can’t actually walk either. I was told by my doctor to be seated at all times if I’m at work.

Now, I’m scared of getting re-injured. There was a possibility for me to be somewhere else but my boss said he absolutely had to do that and I needed to be with the kids. This was a lie as HR told me if I could I can try and do that but that’s ultimately left up to my boss. Who again said he had to do it but the person from HQ assisting also asked why I wasn’t in there instead because it would make the most sense.

I’m just tired and in a lot of pain and this situation isn’t helping.

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