
No feedback for almost 3 weeks and the interview day they cancel.

Throwaway because I really would like to rant. I work in the HR (not in America), I'm younger the most of the people I'm working with like 5 years younger so there is a gap. So maybe that's why there is a significant difference in work ethic. The story is I work in recruitment, I endorse a candidate to them last MARCH 6, we waited for a week for a feedback regarding this whether they want to proceed or not but we didn't get any feedback. This went on for 3 weeks. 3 WEEKS. Last friday, we decided to simply just force the interview to the next person, let's call her A (the person in charge of the next interview) because she said she was open for today at morning, which she was OKAY WITH. It was scheduled for 10AM. 9:55 I noticed that there was no update with the…

Throwaway because I really would like to rant. I work in the HR (not in America), I'm younger the most of the people I'm working with like 5 years younger so there is a gap. So maybe that's why there is a significant difference in work ethic. The story is I work in recruitment, I endorse a candidate to them last MARCH 6, we waited for a week for a feedback regarding this whether they want to proceed or not but we didn't get any feedback. This went on for 3 weeks. 3 WEEKS. Last friday, we decided to simply just force the interview to the next person, let's call her A (the person in charge of the next interview) because she said she was open for today at morning, which she was OKAY WITH. It was scheduled for 10AM. 9:55 I noticed that there was no update with the A so I sent a message to her secretary and she told me she'll ask. I felt bad for the applicant so I called her and gave her a heads-up that it might get canceled last minute, the least that I could do you know because the applicant has been waiting for a while.

10:05 still no response, I messaged her secretary again to confirm and she sent me a screen shot, A does not want to proceed because the applicant's test scores were low. Firstly, they weren't even bad the category stated that the applicant was still a good fit despite her low score. Secondly, WHY WOULD SHE GIVE A FEEDBACK THE SAME DAY AS THE INTERVIEW WAS SUPPOSEDELY STARTING!?. Lastly, the way she typed was so passive-aggressive and you can tell SHE DID NOT WANT TO INTERVIEW THE APPLICANT, I decided to cancel the meet and informed the applicant who has been waiting for a good 15 minutes at this point. And before I told the applicant, I messaged the secretary right away saying we were going to cancel because what was the point? I didn't tell her myself because I was pissed. You made us wait for 3 weeks just to say, you didn't want to proceed? Then out of the blue when everything was settled, A decided to start the meet. When we have already canceled. I have no idea what was running through A's head to be honest. She had four days to cancel on us because I scheduled that meeting earlier so if there was changes she could contact as right away. And she decided to do this?

I felt so bad for the applicant, like where are this people's conscience? Making an applicant wait for 3 weeks and canceling the exact time and date? Where the hell is her conscience? Old people in the industry is just weird.

Edit: I'm resigning from this company just rendering my last 30 days. I cannot work with this environment, they are rushing me for this position but they do this?

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