
Work withdrew my paycheck my my account

My work deposited my paycheck into my account a day early (like normal) then immediately took it back (abnormal). Then I just never got my paycheck. I contacted HR, and they said payroll isn’t open until Monday so they can’t do anything yet. What should I do? I need my paycheck, but I can survive until Monday. I like my job a lot, and this is out of character for them. Is it possible I did something to have it taken back? I’m just confused

My work deposited my paycheck into my account a day early (like normal) then immediately took it back (abnormal). Then I just never got my paycheck. I contacted HR, and they said payroll isn’t open until Monday so they can’t do anything yet.

What should I do? I need my paycheck, but I can survive until Monday. I like my job a lot, and this is out of character for them. Is it possible I did something to have it taken back? I’m just confused

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