
I believe the IT market has over loaded their need…

Many young folks thought IT was the place to be .. rightfully so, looking at META and GOOGLE. Unfortunately, unknown to young folks, a lot of these major firms were just looking to keep their recruits from going to competitors. Minimalizing the responsabilities, employees got used to ” nap pods” and “quiet spaces”. Now, that this is coming to light, these employees are demanding the same treatment elsewhere… their demands are not being answered. History will always repeat itself. This has never been the norm in the workforce. It will never be the norm in the workforce. Gen Zers experienced a very unique employment situation that will never be realized again. It was good while it lasted but, back to reality. You need a college education, you need to be able to work 40+ hours a week. I know, everything you hate. But, your mom and dad did just this…

Many young folks thought IT was the place to be
.. rightfully so, looking at META and GOOGLE. Unfortunately, unknown to young folks, a lot of these major firms were just looking to keep their recruits from going to competitors. Minimalizing the responsabilities, employees got used to ”
nap pods” and “quiet spaces”. Now, that this is coming to light, these employees are demanding the same treatment elsewhere… their demands are not being answered. History will always repeat itself. This has never been the norm in the workforce. It will never be the norm in the workforce. Gen Zers experienced a very unique employment situation that will never be realized again. It was good while it lasted but, back to reality. You need a college education, you need to be able to work 40+ hours a week. I know, everything you hate. But, your mom and dad did just this to make sure you had everything you need and wanted. The party train of “Covid” is gone… now what? Are you going to man up to the decision you have to work or are you going to keep the mindset that the world owes you? Homelessness is not fun….

s were boring just to keep applicants from going to the competitor.

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