
The economists will say record jobs available is a good thing. This incorrect.

If you look at the type of jobs being offered it’s mostly labor. These labor jobs are shit, so no one is taking them, that’s why there is record jobs available. Labor is the bottom rung of economy, when it stops or slows it compounds up the chain to crash markets. There is no risk to the laborer to not accept these jobs. Aside from threats of asset seizure (what assets we rent) or hunger, bananas are 89 cents a pound, rice is maybe 2$, we can survive longer than they can stay solvent. I swear pulling out now is the only time to get these corporate shills to suffer. Pull your money. Wait them out while the banks for close on them. Keep chugging along at the bare minimum and they will fold. With rates where there are and us holding the market captive by not taking shit jobs…

If you look at the type of jobs being offered it’s mostly labor. These labor jobs are shit, so no one is taking them, that’s why there is record jobs available.

Labor is the bottom rung of economy, when it stops or slows it compounds up the chain to crash markets.
There is no risk to the laborer to not accept these jobs. Aside from threats of asset seizure (what assets we rent) or hunger, bananas are 89 cents a pound, rice is maybe 2$, we can survive longer than they can stay solvent. I swear pulling out now is the only time to get these corporate shills to suffer. Pull your money. Wait them out while the banks for close on them. Keep chugging along at the bare minimum and they will fold.

With rates where there are and us holding the market captive by not taking shit jobs the only way out is gonna be to get the work done and to do that they will have to raise wages.

Basically take money out and keep doing you. We will win. Also couldn’t hurt to not elect the two parties that got us here.

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