
Too Good At My Job For A Promising

I have been at my company just under a year. I am the office manager. The assistant manager is about to be fired and I learned today that the store manager is leaving at the end of the month (he has good reason). He has only been the store manager since a month after I started. We came into a huge mess and are still cleaning up messes from the year before we started. The person in the assistant manager position basically got the job because the company was desperate at the time. He is severely unqualified and is making the company lose A LOT of money with his mistakes. None of our staff respects him as he is selfish and has literally stolen from them. I've been telling the store manager that I would like to be considered for the AM position. I already work 50+ hours a week,…

I have been at my company just under a year. I am the office manager. The assistant manager is about to be fired and I learned today that the store manager is leaving at the end of the month (he has good reason). He has only been the store manager since a month after I started. We came into a huge mess and are still cleaning up messes from the year before we started.

The person in the assistant manager position basically got the job because the company was desperate at the time. He is severely unqualified and is making the company lose A LOT of money with his mistakes. None of our staff respects him as he is selfish and has literally stolen from them.

I've been telling the store manager that I would like to be considered for the AM position. I already work 50+ hours a week, I know our internal program better than most, I'm pretty much doing the tasks of both my position and the AM currently (any issues come to me, I fix accounts, run payroll, etc).

I stayed after today to talk to him, which is when he told me about his leaving. I asked about myself being considered and he said no. That he had told corporate to keep me in my position. He told me I'm too good at my job and that he is “protecting me from corporate”.

The problem is I drive half an hour each way to get to work. I leave my house just after 7 am and don't get home until almost 7pm. I love my job so much, but I feel unappreciated. I make $1/hr less than the last person in my position who was the second highest paid OM in our company, the first making $1/hr more than that.

If I miss any time, it screws my paychecks because I need the overtime pay to get by. My husband told me to go to the guy in corporate that my SM talked to and basically plead my case and see what they say. But honestly I'm already half checked out. I love my job but if I'm just about capped out on pay and have backed myself into a corner where I'm too valuable in my position to ever move up, then what is my motivation to stay?

It's funny because all my coworkers thought I'd get the promotion. I have customers rave about me and I have gotten the office more organized and efficient than it was for the previous 3 years before I started. I help out in other departments and have product knowledge that some of our seasoned staff ask me about. I know this sounds braggy, that's not my intention. I'm just baffled by how a dedicated, hard-working employee is passed over so easily. A customer was in last week that needs an office manager and I really wish I'd remembered his name or company. I'm already fluffing up my resume.

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