
I’m quitting next week. This was the breaking point.

I've worked my ass off for this job. I've come in every time I requested off because I was never allowed a day OFF, just a day substituted. The one day I've asked off for for weeks and reminded them 4+ times of, and she still forgets and is having me come in to cover her ass because we are understaffed. I already texted Manny, the manager she mentioned who, after a two week vacation, so desperately needs a break and several days off in the week, about talking. I'm putting in my two weeks. After her “food poisoning doesn't last that long” I was done, but she kept going. I've been in and out of the bathroom consistently and can't keep anything down. But it's, apparently, not that bad and I should still have been able to come in. I'm tired of this treatment. They're sexist, inconsiderate, and disrespectful…

I've worked my ass off for this job. I've come in every time I requested off because I was never allowed a day OFF, just a day substituted. The one day I've asked off for for weeks and reminded them 4+ times of, and she still forgets and is having me come in to cover her ass because we are understaffed. I already texted Manny, the manager she mentioned who, after a two week vacation, so desperately needs a break and several days off in the week, about talking. I'm putting in my two weeks. After her “food poisoning doesn't last that long” I was done, but she kept going. I've been in and out of the bathroom consistently and can't keep anything down. But it's, apparently, not that bad and I should still have been able to come in.

I'm tired of this treatment. They're sexist, inconsiderate, and disrespectful of my life, even when they act like they are the best. I'm tired of it. I have another job lined up at their rival company and I'm leaving for more pay. Peace out.

Also, was her comment on the food poisoning illegal? I work in Florida, an at will state, and I wasn't sure.

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