
New Designer in Team causing me a lot of mental distress.

We have a new Designer joined the team. I am almost on a route becoming a Senior Designer but this new Designer is causing clashes and political drama in the office. I think she sees me as a threat of promotion. It’s really causing me stress, anxiety and mental issues which is causing me energy and productive issues. The new Designer butts in every conversation on Slack even if it’s not meant for her, and whenever someone comes to see me for opinions she again butts in the conversation again and side tracks the entire conversation. She talks, messages on Slacks and writes email 90% of the day and 10% on an actual Design task and yet been given overtime to complete her tasks. While also the new Designer causing big fuss over nothing something wasting everyone’s time. I told the Director she’s wasting time over fuss and the Director…

We have a new Designer joined the team. I am almost on a route becoming a Senior Designer but this new Designer is causing clashes and political drama in the office. I think she sees me as a threat of promotion. It’s really causing me stress, anxiety and mental issues which is causing me energy and productive issues.

The new Designer butts in every conversation on Slack even if it’s not meant for her, and whenever someone comes to see me for opinions she again butts in the conversation again and side tracks the entire conversation. She talks, messages on Slacks and writes email 90% of the day and 10% on an actual Design task and yet been given overtime to complete her tasks. While also the new Designer causing big fuss over nothing something wasting everyone’s time. I told the Director she’s wasting time over fuss and the Director was like he knows and does nothing about it yet also seems pleased with her.

The Director who deals with us doesn’t know anything technical and 99% of time is clueless with the tasks. This new Designer knows this well and have started to introduce practices only she knows how they work and this is causing issues for me by trying to make her important and a mark in the Department.

The new Designer on her first day told me she is trying to impress everyone. She’s on our office WhatsApp Task spamming, in all Slack channels with cringe jokes, in person conversations, in my assigned tasks and conversations meant for me and literally everywhere I see it’s her. She also private messages everyone being political and talking rubbish etc..

Also she messages me sometimes on WhatsApp stating how bad the workplace is and I should quit because I deserve better and I should not work extra hours etc.. while she does extra hours. I don’t but know why but she’s causing me a lot of mental distress!!

What should I do to stop thinking about her? I am trying to avoid her as much as possible.

Should I trust her as a colleague and would it be possible to know her motive based on my question?

Should I speak with my Director? I also have a performance review soon so don’t want to cause any issues with my Director because of the new Designer.

Thank you

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