I'm convinced she's on a campaign to sabotage me. It's the only explanation for what's happened!
I work in a cafe and I have my till, the one I always use. A couple of times I made a mistake and it showed that small amounts of money were missing, but that's normal as I've not been there super long. Then I stopped making mistakes for ages, but the next time I did, I told her about it casually.
And suddenly…money starts going missing. Every day. The owner comes to me saying it's the same amount almost every time. He doesn't accuse me but there's a tense atmosphere, I get worried and start being extra careful. On one very quiet day I had so few orders I KNEW I didn't make a mistake.
Same amount of money went missing again. She's the only other person who uses it. When I complained about it saying it doesn't make sense…it stopped. But the damage is done.
This was also when she started getting jealous of me. She's quite overweight and insecure, and a few times I was being chatted up/checked out and I caught her staring at me. A guy came in and was being flirty, I ignored him and he turned to her and said are you jealous? Just an asshole – but since then she told me I need to 'button up my shirt' and 'stop chatting to men so much', and claimed customers told her I was 'asking for it', which I know never happened. I confronted her on that outrageous bullshit but she still does it.
Oh, and the till I use has now been locked. So I can't access it when I need to, only for an order. I was also told they'd 'look at CCTV'.
I'm so furious. I can't believe this dick was promoted and I wasn't