
I have a bad attitude

Today I am being told I have to do this online training, without compensation, or I will be terminated. I am not hourly and I am not salary. I only get paid for the work that the advisor sells and that I complete correctly. I have won the award for top hour producer since November 2020 to today March 2023. I only get a raise every two years. I have been told that a good quarterly review does not mean a raise. I have been told to not expect a raise every year. I have been told if we do get raises, it will be cents not dollars. I have been here 8 years, with multiple certifications. They paid a sign on bonus for a new hire, and at their one year anniversary of working here they got a $4 raise to make $2 more than I do, without any…

Today I am being told I have to do this online training, without compensation, or I will be terminated.
I am not hourly and I am not salary. I only get paid for the work that the advisor sells and that I complete correctly.
I have won the award for top hour producer since November 2020 to today March 2023.
I only get a raise every two years.
I have been told that a good quarterly review does not mean a raise.
I have been told to not expect a raise every year.
I have been told if we do get raises, it will be cents not dollars.
I have been here 8 years, with multiple certifications.
They paid a sign on bonus for a new hire, and at their one year anniversary of working here they got a $4 raise to make $2 more than I do, without any certifications.
After complaining, I got my $2 raise to make the same as them.
They quit a month later.
On Saturday, my sixth day working, my “teammate” was a no call no show leaving me to do everything by myself.
No repercussions.

So yeah, I am applying for new jobs and not doing my training. Let's not fire people who don't show up, who lie, who cheat, who steal, but fire me of course. I asked to be paid half an hour for this training that is not relevant to my job. And get threatened.
I guess I'm a negative person.

Thanks for listening

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