
I know this sub is mostly memes, but I just wanna share my pain.

I had to watch my partner, who has been sick for a week (still going to work because it's a small business and coworker was on vacation) spend her weekend fighting insurance to get health care, and meds for a very bad sinus infection. She's been on antibiotics for less then 12 hours, and decided to take off the day to rest. She texted her boss, who said “You've already missed 5 days(with doctors notes in the last 3 months. I need you to come in. This is affecting my business.” A. Of course things that happen to your employees affect your business. What are you going to do? Fire her and hire someone that doesn't get sick in the winter? B. You offer no sick days or vacation days or health insurance.What are people supposed to do other then call in sick and “affect your business” C. She works…

I had to watch my partner, who has been sick for a week (still going to work because it's a small business and coworker was on vacation) spend her weekend fighting insurance to get health care, and meds for a very bad sinus infection. She's been on antibiotics for less then 12 hours, and decided to take off the day to rest.

She texted her boss, who said “You've already missed 5 days(with doctors notes in the last 3 months. I need you to come in. This is affecting my business.”

A. Of course things that happen to your employees affect your business. What are you going to do? Fire her and hire someone that doesn't get sick in the winter?

B. You offer no sick days or vacation days or health insurance.What are people supposed to do other then call in sick and “affect your business”

C. She works in a commission only salon setting, where the owner takes 60% of the price of service.

At will state, too small a business for FMLA or anything.

I cried for her. I cried for our family. I cried for me. I tell myself that if they need her that bad at least she has job security, because you aren't gonna be able to hire someone that doesn't get sick. But that's cold comfort.

I'm out of work. At home sick with our kid who is also sick. It's hard to find a job that I can swing the hours on because someone needs to look after our child. No luck on work from home. We're in a world where I eat last to make sure they've had enough. I cook and clean and feel like a failure as a man.

This system has to change.

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