
My aunt died and I was given the choice by my boss to attend her funeral or be fired

My aunt died a few weeks ago. I had a part time job (20 hrs/week) on top of my regular job. When I told my part time job I wasn’t coming in and why, my boss told me to choose my priority but if it wasn’t my job, I’d be terminated. I told him to terminate me, threw my smock at him, and walked out. The line of customers in line thought it was a joke until I really left. Upon my return home, I realized I had at least 20 text messages and a few voice mail messages asking me to come back. I responded to one stating I chose my priority and it wasn’t him. It was probably funnier to me in person but I thought I’d share.

My aunt died a few weeks ago. I had a part time job (20 hrs/week) on top of my regular job. When I told my part time job I wasn’t coming in and why, my boss told me to choose my priority but if it wasn’t my job, I’d be terminated. I told him to terminate me, threw my smock at him, and walked out. The line of customers in line thought it was a joke until I really left. Upon my return home, I realized I had at least 20 text messages and a few voice mail messages asking me to come back. I responded to one stating I chose my priority and it wasn’t him. It was probably funnier to me in person but I thought I’d share.

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