
Story time (know your worth)

Synopsis: recruiter a reaches out to me with a role I'm interested in. We arrange to speak the following week. Recruiter b (Ivan, same company) cold calls me Monday because he noticed recruiter a had not followed up yet and is… Horrible. I email recruiter a and tell him I'm no longer interested in working with their company after my interaction with Ivan. This is the email I sent when he asked me what happened. “Well, I can just give you a quick rundown. I made the assumption he had my resume and the job posting you showed me. He said this was contract to hire, which you didn't say nor was on the jd you sent and I had objections. I had issues with contract to hire jobs because if they do not hire, you do not get unemployment, and I've been in one and they are not a…

Synopsis: recruiter a reaches out to me with a role I'm interested in. We arrange to speak the following week. Recruiter b (Ivan, same company) cold calls me Monday because he noticed recruiter a had not followed up yet and is… Horrible. I email recruiter a and tell him I'm no longer interested in working with their company after my interaction with Ivan. This is the email I sent when he asked me what happened.

“Well, I can just give you a quick rundown. I made the assumption he had my resume and the job posting you showed me. He said this was contract to hire, which you didn't say nor was on the jd you sent and I had objections. I had issues with contract to hire jobs because if they do not hire, you do not get unemployment, and I've been in one and they are not a good fit for me. He argued this point with me for some time, including telling me I was wrong. Additionally, I said the salary is a bit lower than my absolute minimum. He assumed I had been offered ~120k to which I said you stated 135/year, which he was surprised by because he said that was high. He asked if I could just “live leaner”, then when I told him this is not possible (we have far too much debt, single income, we eat ramen right now for crying out loud), he suggested I talk my mentally ill partner into working part time to make it work. At that point, my partner, who was listening in, had a breakdown and started crying. He asked me if I had other jobs in interview, I said yes, three technicals upcoming. He asked me their salary offers which were around $150-$165 depending. He scoffed and said we should talk tomorrow (yesterday) over zoom. Up to this point I was still under the impression he was talking about the job you had sent me. Astonishingly, he sent me a entry level website developer role (???) to talk about. Suddenly the low pay, the you don't have that kind of experience, and all the other talk aligned and I realized Ivan had no idea what my background is. I sent him an email with the job you posted to me and said this is the position that I was interested in, and the only one I was thinking about applying to, if it's not available anymore then I am not interested in this conversation. He did not reply. After calming down a bit, I decided anyone trying to shoehorn me into a position based presumably on my name and the sound of my voice is not someone I want to work with, now or in the future.

To his credit, he said he didn't want to step on your toes. It's the trying to brow beat me about pay and shoehorn me into a position he just assumed I'd be interested in that I can't deal with. Sorry. “

Like, what the hell was he even thinking.

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