
Why is every onboarding MORE complicated than what it needs to be?

Throughout my career, I have never had a smooth onboarding experience. HR people are always being slow and dumb with getting my bloodwork done and managers never have me set up for my technology. Sometimes I don't even get a laptop until after one week. Honestly, after one week, I already feel frustrated with everyone and started to hate my job. Why can't people just be more organized and competent when it comes to onboarding people? SERIOUSLY! EDIT: I work in healthcare, so bloodwork is needed to be done. HR sends me to clinics to get bloodwork done, but they would only send me to do one thing then another one the next day when everything could be done altogether.

Throughout my career, I have never had a smooth onboarding experience. HR people are always being slow and dumb with getting my bloodwork done and managers never have me set up for my technology. Sometimes I don't even get a laptop until after one week. Honestly, after one week, I already feel frustrated with everyone and started to hate my job. Why can't people just be more organized and competent when it comes to onboarding people? SERIOUSLY!

EDIT: I work in healthcare, so bloodwork is needed to be done. HR sends me to clinics to get bloodwork done, but they would only send me to do one thing then another one the next day when everything could be done altogether.

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