
I’m probably quitting my job this week.

I’ve been at my current job for about 2.5 years now. Started as a seasonal temp after getting laid off due to COVID, stayed on after Christmas and moved around a little bit in the company. Last year, I applied for a management position that had opened up (which was kind of a big jump from the job I was working at the time but I had previous management experience) and I’ve been miserable pretty much since then. My new position had me directly under the CEO who is quite frankly one of the most bipolar people I’ve ever met. Working for him and working closely with him is just fucking unpleasant. And to make things worse, around the time I got promoted, one of of the other managers I was working very closely with quit (due to the CEO being a dick) and we did not have a suitable…

I’ve been at my current job for about 2.5 years now. Started as a seasonal temp after getting laid off due to COVID, stayed on after Christmas and moved around a little bit in the company. Last year, I applied for a management position that had opened up (which was kind of a big jump from the job I was working at the time but I had previous management experience) and I’ve been miserable pretty much since then. My new position had me directly under the CEO who is quite frankly one of the most bipolar people I’ve ever met. Working for him and working closely with him is just fucking unpleasant. And to make things worse, around the time I got promoted, one of of the other managers I was working very closely with quit (due to the CEO being a dick) and we did not have a suitable replacement for him from July-November. So I was expected to pick up that slack, help with restaffing and training departments experiencing record turnover, and also settle into my new role somehow. It was very rough for several months. It was too much for one person to balance and I was drowning.

Fast forward to January, a new position opens that I felt I would be better suited for and paid more money, despite being down a tier in the management chain, so I went for it and got it. The last 2 months have been hell. Like I go home and cry in the shower hell. It’s somehow worse than my old role. They’re not hiring someone to fill my old role, they’re splitting it between 2 other people at my company and I’m still expected to carry out certain duties. So I’ve been trying to find time to train 2 people that have other full time roles, dealing with more turnover and us being understaffed and existing staff being inexperienced, while also trying to settle into a new role again. And I’m also so tired and burnt out. Our Christmas busy season doesn’t feel like it ended. We’re still working so much overtime (that I don’t get paid extra for, love being salary.)

I had a performance review on Tuesday. It was awful, both my direct manager and the CEO were in it. I felt ganged up on and didn’t even say a word the whole time. It wouldn’t matter. It’s not worth defending myself to people who don’t care. I’m doing the work of 3 people but it’s still not enough. It will never be enough. I just don’t care anymore. They could fire me tomorrow and I wouldn’t care. I’m on probation for 60 days and I just don’t give a shit. I’m done.

Thank you to anyone who read this far. Everyone around me has said to stay and stick it out, at least until I find something else but I don’t know if I can.

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