I’m tired of paying bills and getting nowhere. I’m tired of not making enough. I’m tired of the solution being to “get multiple jobs” just to get by. I’m tired of living paycheck to paycheck.
I make more than the average person in my state, but I can’t afford to live like this anymore.
I’m tired of the normalization of debt, credit, and credit scores. I’m tired of banks in general.
From here on out, I’m only paying for necessities. Fuck it. Fuck my credit score. If I don’t need it to survive, I’m not paying it anymore.
My credit score was over 700, but I wasn’t approved to consolidate and refinance my student loans. My payments have doubled due to the rate increases over the past couple of years.
My credit score was over 700, I was approved to buy a house, but I couldn’t find one fit to live in in my price range which was under $300k.
So yeah, why should I give a shit about my credit score or paying off debt?