
My former company contradicted themselves in my exit email and I’m wanting to know if they retaliated given the contradiction.

Basically my former company accepted my resignation notice and then terminated me. In the email, HR takes PTO away from me, while saying that I’d be paid the same amount whether I worked more or less than 40 hours in a week due to my “exempt” status. I have complaints filed, and said HR rep who sent the exit email told me to file the complaints (she said it in a “do it, you won’t bitch” threshing/aggressive esque manner) when I told them that I was being misclassified and I just want perspective if this is retaliation. On top of that, she lied in the exit interview stating items that were things she said she did, but again, I have in writing she never did any of the items she outlined. I definitely know my former company is trying to strong arm me, but I think I have legal grounds.…

Basically my former company accepted my resignation notice and then terminated me. In the email, HR takes PTO away from me, while saying that I’d be paid the same amount whether I worked more or less than 40 hours in a week due to my “exempt” status. I have complaints filed, and said HR rep who sent the exit email told me to file the complaints (she said it in a “do it, you won’t bitch” threshing/aggressive esque manner) when I told them that I was being misclassified and I just want perspective if this is retaliation.

On top of that, she lied in the exit interview stating items that were things she said she did, but again, I have in writing she never did any of the items she outlined. I definitely know my former company is trying to strong arm me, but I think I have legal grounds. I have all the documentation saved that I needed to prior to submitting my resignation. And have filed multiple complaints and have interviews with all filing regulatory entities.

She also stated incorrect statements about my role and gave my role characteristics that are not true to justify my exempt classification by the company.

I also worked on Friday, March 24th, one of the days they docked me for.

Providing screen grabs of the exit interview contradictory statement in the exit email. Let me know your thoughts?

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