
My manager has been evaluating my performance based on a broken JIRA dashboard

ā€‹ Broken JIRA dashboard clearly not reflecting my performance For starters, I'm a hard working woman working for a top 50 Fortune 500 tech company. I work in a team with a lot of incompetent people. I am certainly above the team average. I work with people from other teams in my day-to-day software development tasks and I only hear positive experiences from them. Most of them much more senior and important than me, way above my pay-grade. This week my manager emailed me asking for daily status updates mentioning concerns with my “velocity” coming from other teams that work with me. He also escalated the “situation” to his own manager. This crushed me! I truly thought I was doing a good job and this very same people were happy with that. I decided to message them to confirm and shock! They were extremely surprised my manager was complaining about…


Broken JIRA dashboard clearly not reflecting my performance

For starters, I'm a hard working woman working for a top 50 Fortune 500 tech company. I work in a team with a lot of incompetent people. I am certainly above the team average. I work with people from other teams in my day-to-day software development tasks and I only hear positive experiences from them. Most of them much more senior and important than me, way above my pay-grade.

This week my manager emailed me asking for daily status updates mentioning concerns with my “velocity” coming from other teams that work with me. He also escalated the “situation” to his own manager. This crushed me! I truly thought I was doing a good job and this very same people were happy with that.

I decided to message them to confirm and shock! They were extremely surprised my manager was complaining about that. They all stated that they are happy with my work and that there's no “velocity” problem.

After all that, I came across this broken JIRA dashboard that reflects how he “tracks” my performance. This isn't the first time I felt he is incompetent. He barely understands the product that we are working on, and he has shown mistrust about me a couple of times with no reason.

Now I'm wondering if I should report him to HR, since his incompetence to track my work has affected my promotion, bonus, and other recognition of the good work I have been doing.

What do you think?

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