
I don’t even really want to quit, my bosses are just fucked up.

Tl;Dr: One doctor fucked the other doctor, half the staff left due to said fucking, then they made everyone that stayed sign an NDA. I came in with the first round of new hires, and now they've drafted a second NDA that includes a 3 year non-compete that prohibits anyone who leaves from working at another office within 25 miles. They refused to provide me with a copy of the NDA. They got everyone to sign it during lunch, then fired the senior receptionist after close. I am now 2nd in seniority in reception with 2 months experience. I want a copy of that fucking NDA. I've been working there for two months, and it's the biggest sack of bullshit I've ever seen. They started off by telling me about a “transition” that they're going through in which they needed to rapidly replace management and half their reception. They had…

Tl;Dr: One doctor fucked the other doctor, half the staff left due to said fucking, then they made everyone that stayed sign an NDA. I came in with the first round of new hires, and now they've drafted a second NDA that includes a 3 year non-compete that prohibits anyone who leaves from working at another office within 25 miles. They refused to provide me with a copy of the NDA. They got everyone to sign it during lunch, then fired the senior receptionist after close. I am now 2nd in seniority in reception with 2 months experience. I want a copy of that fucking NDA.

I've been working there for two months, and it's the biggest sack of bullshit I've ever seen. They started off by telling me about a “transition” that they're going through in which they needed to rapidly replace management and half their reception. They had two experienced receptionists on the team, one new receptionist, and one office-manager-but-not-office-manager. The vet techs on staff were all established, the same with the vet assistants. Everything seems mostly normal.

Then, a month went by. One doctor is just a rancid bitch. She yells at everyone for simple, small mistakes, even going as far as making one closer stop vacuuming because she wanted everyone to hear her bitch about something. I was only really yelled at once, and it was for trying to follow her direct instructions.

We still use paper charts, but we also keep digital files. Finding the paper charts is incredibly difficult due to how disorganized the place is, however, in a previous meeting, she stated that we weren't to even speak to her if we didn't have a paper chart. A week later, a client comes in asking for prescriptions and treats. The new trainee and I start trying to fill her order, but she didn't call the pharmacist back to confirm the prescription. On top of that, she's never had the treats she's asking for so we need to run it by a doctor before we dispense. The chart is no where to be found, and the pharmacist complained because said doctor had the chart at home. I ignored most of what she said because I was so focused on finding the chart that I didn't care once my task was completed. I walked away, said it was okay and that we would figure it out. Later on, said doctor yells at me through a window to get in the room while she's elbow deep in a patient. She starts questioning me about what was said, but because I didn't pay attention, I just said I didn't know. She continued to go off about the prescription issue, but I stated that I didn't know anything about the prescription, I was just trying to find the chart to ask about treats. Following this, she screamed/stated “I don't need a chart for that animal, I know everything about that animal.” My apologies, doctor.

AFAIK, She's been there for 10+ years and started when she was 16. She got promoted to associate vet last year, and the big upset happened about 3 months ago. The other doctor is fine, very calm and collected, compassionate, and all that. But allegedly, he also got his dicked sucked by the other doctor. So, not sure what to think. He's also significantly older than her, so it's double sketchy. He was most likely the one who hired, trained, and encouraged her to remain in the field. While they were likely both consenting adults, I question their relationship and how it got to that point.

Throughout the office, I had heard whispers of an NDA, but several people have alluded to what happened regardless. I'm assuming the relationship developed in order to secure the new position, but again, ALLEGEDLY.

Enter the new NDA. It's completely full of legal jargon, barely interpretable, and I'm not allowed to have a copy of it. When I asked for one, the “office manager's” response was that it wasn't allowed to leave the office. Is that not very illegal?

Within the NDA was also a non-compete agreement that stated we were not allowed to work at another vet's office within 25 miles for 3 years following termination, regardless of circumstances. There was no offer of compensation or anything in return for said non-compete. Luckily, I live 25 miles away, so I have more options than my other less fortunate co-workers.

They called everyone in separately to talk about it and have them sign, the consequences of not signing being termination. They called in their senior receptionist around noon, and she was almost last to go in. Everyone warned her about the terms, but with the threat of losing her job, she couldn't do much but sign. I left around 4, and right after closing they called me to cover her shift. I was hoping she had just gotten sick, but I found out today that she's been fired and that another coworker turned in her key after finding out. No one knows why, but I'm assuming she said something she shouldn't have, but not so bad that they could sue. They had sent her home last week unannounced in the middle of a shift, then started asking everyone a bunch of questions about a lunch room discussion. I'm assuming this discussion was the one in which she revealed to everyone that one doctor fucked the other doctor, or perhaps that there was an NDA in the first place. She had dedicated the most time to reception, which is leaving one trained receptionist in the whole office. I am second in seniority now.

Everyone else is really nice. We all have very similar personalities and attitudes, but this one doctor makes everyone legitimately terrified. We're all walking on eggshells, and the smallest interpretation of attitude or sass is met with severe consequences. Even if it's not there. I'm losing too much sleep over this job, and I feel awful leaving. But I need a copy of that NDA, and when I fight for the NDA, they're going to either fire me or I'll have to quit. They've run just about everyone else into the ground and it's not worth 11$/hr. Why should I commit to them when they'd happily humiliate someone like that? Also, which parts of this are illegal? Because I know I'll need to get legal counsel involved, unfortunately.

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