
Insanity Ensues

My dad is dying. I am still working. I have FML leave but I take it intermittently. I am a receptionist. If you've been a receptionist, you know a large part of your job is jerking people off (figuratively not actually or my low pay would be ultra concerning) Every single day I am completely baffled by the tone deafness of my coworkers. Everyday, someone asks me “whats wrong” at least once. They know what is happening. When I don't offer a tangible reason they are miffed. So now I have to manage their feelings about my feelings? About my fucking personal life that I CANNOT leave at the door? I'm not like the other two women I work with. My manager and coworker need more attention than newborn babies. They rarely ask about my situation and that's fine. But I don't want to fucking hear about the Fajitas you…

My dad is dying. I am still working. I have FML leave but I take it intermittently.

I am a receptionist. If you've been a receptionist, you know a large part of your job is jerking people off (figuratively not actually or my low pay would be ultra concerning)

Every single day I am completely baffled by the tone deafness of my coworkers. Everyday, someone asks me “whats wrong” at least once. They know what is happening. When I don't offer a tangible reason they are miffed. So now I have to manage their feelings about my feelings? About my fucking personal life that I CANNOT leave at the door?

I'm not like the other two women I work with. My manager and coworker need more attention than newborn babies. They rarely ask about my situation and that's fine. But I don't want to fucking hear about the Fajitas you made in the fucking same conversation about my dad's facial tumour. I don't have it in me to pay attention to these people EVERYTIME THEY WALK BY. My manager cannot wal by without announcing something dumb and if I don't answer she repeats it. “Good galley.” “I'm going to make a tea.” “Good gosh golley” *snaps fingers obnoxiously”

It never ends and I'm gonna snap and is this the fucking reason I can't work from home? Make them all work in office again cause who's gonna pay attention to me when I say GOOD GOLLEY

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