
I’m so tired (rant)

Today was a fucking nightmare. Opened the store. Ridiculously fucking swamped. On the verge of tears from how much pain I was in by theend of my shift. I'm home now, have been off for a couple of hours. I'm super motivated to do….?something*, but I feel so sick that I just want to lay down and not move again. And I work again tomorrow, also an 8h shift. I don't have a day off until Wednesday. I'd just call in tomorrow, but I need the money. Especially since I'm saving up because I have to move out soon, and apartments around here are fucking expensive. (The place my partner and I are looking at will have us paying 500+ each, splitting rent). I hate existing.

Today was a fucking nightmare. Opened the store. Ridiculously fucking swamped. On the verge of tears from how much pain I was in by theend of my shift.

I'm home now, have been off for a couple of hours. I'm super motivated to do….?something*, but I feel so sick that I just want to lay down and not move again.

And I work again tomorrow, also an 8h shift.

I don't have a day off until Wednesday.

I'd just call in tomorrow, but I need the money. Especially since I'm saving up because I have to move out soon, and apartments around here are fucking expensive. (The place my partner and I are looking at will have us paying 500+ each, splitting rent).

I hate existing.

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