
Manager wants me to quit i think

I want to start this off by saying i am very good at my job. Every manager and all my coworkers tell me just about everyday how much they appreciate everything i do and how i go above and beyond to do things that i dont technically have to do. Except one manager. The first time i met him he kinda just gave me a weird look and didnt even shake my hand to introduce himself. Every day he tells me im doing something wrong when its not something i did. Recently he asked me if im ok working 7 days a week. I said i was not and that i could work 6 if he really needs me but i need at least one day off. I come into work today to see im scheduled 12 days in a row with only one day off after that. I went…

I want to start this off by saying i am very good at my job. Every manager and all my coworkers tell me just about everyday how much they appreciate everything i do and how i go above and beyond to do things that i dont technically have to do. Except one manager. The first time i met him he kinda just gave me a weird look and didnt even shake my hand to introduce himself. Every day he tells me im doing something wrong when its not something i did. Recently he asked me if im ok working 7 days a week. I said i was not and that i could work 6 if he really needs me but i need at least one day off. I come into work today to see im scheduled 12 days in a row with only one day off after that. I went to clarify with him and he basically said tough titty and since i live in employee housing he can do whatever he wants. He told me to talk to hr about it and i really want to just see if i can switch jobs

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