
I don’t want money, I want normal hours

Hi, I writing to get it off my chest. Mandatory disclaimer, I'm not native English speaker, so sorry in advance. I'm just so overworked, I'm spending so much hours in work. Of course, I've told this to my boss so many times. And his response? “But our company pays for overtime”. I acknowledge this, our company is very fair and square about that. All my extra hours are paid, according to Polish law 150%. I know it's not typical – I'm reading here so many bad stories, I've also heard so many stories from my friends, who were told “if you're not able to do your responsibilities in time, it's your fault”. My company acknowledges I have too many responsibilities and pays me extra for that. But… I don't want this. I don't want extra money. My contract says 40 hours per week and I want to work 40 hours…

Hi, I writing to get it off my chest. Mandatory disclaimer, I'm not native English speaker, so sorry in advance.

I'm just so overworked, I'm spending so much hours in work. Of course, I've told this to my boss so many times. And his response? “But our company pays for overtime”. I acknowledge this, our company is very fair and square about that. All my extra hours are paid, according to Polish law 150%. I know it's not typical – I'm reading here so many bad stories, I've also heard so many stories from my friends, who were told “if you're not able to do your responsibilities in time, it's your fault”. My company acknowledges I have too many responsibilities and pays me extra for that. But… I don't want this. I don't want extra money. My contract says 40 hours per week and I want to work 40 hours per week. I want to finish every day knowing everything was done. I want to not feel guilty leaving work after 8 hours, as I'm contracted. I want to have life outside the work. Currently when I'm coming home it's so late, I'm going to sleep almost immediately. I'm just tired.

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