
I want my christmasvaccation, so no, you can’t go to say goodby to your granfather on his deathbed.

This happened to my sister a fiew years ago. On christmas eve we got a phonecall from the hospitz my granfather was. They feared he only had a day or so left. There are four of us, mother, father, me(B-30) and my sister. We decided that we should take the 5 hour travel in very snowy conditions the day after. My sister har some work in the entertainment industry (not more spesific for reasons), and told her boss about her granfather. She was told she had to come in, as there was no one to take over, as she was going to her cabin for vaccation. This left us with only one option. We did not want anyone of us to be alone if my granfather would pass away, so me and my father took the drive the next day. After 5 hours on the road, and dropping off our…

This happened to my sister a fiew years ago.

On christmas eve we got a phonecall from the hospitz my granfather was. They feared he only had a day or so left. There are four of us, mother, father, me(B-30) and my sister. We decided that we should take the 5 hour travel in very snowy conditions the day after. My sister har some work in the entertainment industry (not more spesific for reasons), and told her boss about her granfather. She was told she had to come in, as there was no one to take over, as she was going to her cabin for vaccation. This left us with only one option. We did not want anyone of us to be alone if my granfather would pass away, so me and my father took the drive the next day. After 5 hours on the road, and dropping off our things at the home he grew up in, we headded straight down to see him. He was breathing heavy and fast, and for about 1 hour and 40 min he was asleep in this condition. When he woke up, he recognized us and relaxed. (The nurses had told him we would come and hung on untill we arrived.) After talking to hin for a little bit, his breathing slowed down, and he knew he was ready to relax.

With my father holding his hands, and me standing at the foot of his bed, he looked me in the eyes one last time, and passed away.

My sister never got to say goodby to her granfather, because someone wanted to relax even more. Needless to say, she quit that job after a fiew months when she applied for more school.

Never let any boss deprive you of seeing your loved ones for the last time. They are not as important as your family.

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