
Vacation problems with the boss

I work at a small, family-owned business. What makes this complicated is that it's my gf's parents/brother company. Work conditions are great, but it's also super stressful. This job wasn't my first choice, jumped in to help the family & was also finishing my studies, so was convenient for me. I should mention I work 9h+ a day and cannot afford to take sick days or vacations outside preplanned company vacation (summer/christmas) – like I said, alone in the office and a lot depends on me. Company has 2 pre-planned colletive vacations – 5 days in the summer, 5 days between Christmas-New Year. Personally (per contract) I have the right to 20 days altogether. So far the salary and comfort outweighed the stress and all. But couple months ago we had a bit of a clash with the boss, since I announced I will have vacation first week of January.…

I work at a small, family-owned business. What makes this complicated is that it's my gf's parents/brother company.

Work conditions are great, but it's also super stressful. This job wasn't my first choice, jumped in to help the family & was also finishing my studies, so was convenient for me.

I should mention I work 9h+ a day and cannot afford to take sick days or vacations outside preplanned company vacation (summer/christmas) – like I said, alone in the office and a lot depends on me.

Company has 2 pre-planned colletive vacations – 5 days in the summer, 5 days between Christmas-New Year. Personally (per contract) I have the right to 20 days altogether.

So far the salary and comfort outweighed the stress and all. But couple months ago we had a bit of a clash with the boss, since I announced I will have vacation first week of January. I thought it won't be a problem since business is barely getting started that week.

Long story short – I was expected to work or at least be semi-present on mail/calls. I do not interpret this as vacation as I have to be present in the office and cannot plan or go anywhere else.At the end we made a compromise, but it left a really really bad taste in my mouth.

Fast forward to today I started planning for summer vacation. Wanted to take 10 days off altogether – 5 days of those being company vacation where we are closed. Was also willing to compromise on a 8 day vacation altogether.

We went back and forth with the dates and it became obvious he was counting on me taking basically 5 days off during collective vacation. I put my final preposition (8 days, 5 during company vacation) and he stopped replying… This was the 2nd time we talked about it, no final answer still.

Any suggestions what to do in this situation? Because I feel kind a trapped. Working my ass off whole year to not have my vacation when I need it. I feel betrayed since I sacrificed my free time numerous times for the company. Don't even feel like arguing at this point, I'm just disappointed that after all this my time is valued so badly.

I have serious thoughts of quitting soon, because I don't feel okay working for someone who clearly has no respect for my time or me for that matter. On the other hand I know this would cause problems in the family, since they depend so heavily on me. I've been nothing but a good worker, examplary in some cases I dare to say. But I value my health and happiness a lot and I'm starting to think it's simply not worth it. There's always fear present ofc, fear from change, fear of what will this cause to family relations etc… Would appreciate your input if you have any.

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