
“Generations” is a tool of coercion and should not be used in this group.

“Millennials are this” and “Gen Y are that” is complete bullshit and should be derided and heartily ignored. I look around my peer group and see a wide spectrum of beliefs, values and opinions. Any attempt to group us together under a single banner is a tool of oppression. The year you were born in no more identifies you than your star sign does, or your Chinese astrological year of birth, or the number of digits in your ICQ id#. So the next time you see some propaganda saying that “Gen Z wants to…”, tell them to fuck right off.

“Millennials are this” and “Gen Y are that” is complete bullshit and should be derided and heartily ignored. I look around my peer group and see a wide spectrum of beliefs, values and opinions.

Any attempt to group us together under a single banner is a tool of oppression. The year you were born in no more identifies you than your star sign does, or your Chinese astrological year of birth, or the number of digits in your ICQ id#.

So the next time you see some propaganda saying that “Gen Z wants to…”, tell them to fuck right off.

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