
Finally pulled the trigger.

After many long years of taking abuse at the hands of my boss, added work, 0 raise, discrimination and bigotry, I finally found a new job that would take me despite loss of face. For almost ten years I have dealt with three times the work for no extra pay, more and more restrictive rules as far as being early and working late, discrimination as I work for a Hong Kong company with a mainland Chinese boss, and bigotry, I have two female coworkers and one female boss, I'm the only man and every time someone needs a day off I get stuck holding the extra hours. For ten years I have endured this because in my culture you don't leave a job lightly and if you walk out you are disgraced however your manager or supervisor must approve of your resignation, which she did not. Well the time finally…

After many long years of taking abuse at the hands of my boss, added work, 0 raise, discrimination and bigotry, I finally found a new job that would take me despite loss of face.

For almost ten years I have dealt with three times the work for no extra pay, more and more restrictive rules as far as being early and working late, discrimination as I work for a Hong Kong company with a mainland Chinese boss, and bigotry, I have two female coworkers and one female boss, I'm the only man and every time someone needs a day off I get stuck holding the extra hours.

For ten years I have endured this because in my culture you don't leave a job lightly and if you walk out you are disgraced however your manager or supervisor must approve of your resignation, which she did not. Well the time finally came where she made a fatal mistake. Refusal to pay me because she is from China and I am from HK.

Wage theft is taken very seriously, and is grounds for the employees to abandon the job with no loss of prestige, the moment I brought this up and she threatened to fire me I started looking and found another job in a comparable field for twice the pay.

Now this post has no real reason other than to say Thank you to the community here for the support and inspiration to keep going and keep my eyes open for a chance. So to everyone here at AntiWork, thank you.

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