
Why are so many employers, especially in the US, so vehemently opposed to remote or even hybrid work situations?

I saw this article from Europe and it got me to thinking… Compared to some of our European counterparts, why are so many employers here in the US behind the 8-ball when it comes to work-from-home arrangements? I realize it depends on the area of the US. It seems that, at least depending on the industry, WFH is a more common arrangement in areas around NYC, Boston, DC, Seattle, SF, and LA. Not always or not as often as it could or should be, but still more common than the rest of the country. Here in Texas, where I live, it was as if the pandemic never happened. People I know who work in industries where they could feasibly work from home, such as law, engineering, consulting, finance, and tech, are commuting into an office five days a week, and did so throughout most or all of the pandemic. I…

I saw this article from Europe and it got me to thinking… Compared to some of our European counterparts, why are so many employers here in the US behind the 8-ball when it comes to work-from-home arrangements?

I realize it depends on the area of the US. It seems that, at least depending on the industry, WFH is a more common arrangement in areas around NYC, Boston, DC, Seattle, SF, and LA. Not always or not as often as it could or should be, but still more common than the rest of the country. Here in Texas, where I live, it was as if the pandemic never happened. People I know who work in industries where they could feasibly work from home, such as law, engineering, consulting, finance, and tech, are commuting into an office five days a week, and did so throughout most or all of the pandemic. I assume that most of the rest of the heartland is just like here in Texas in that regard.

My theory is, it has to do with a more conservative culture (I'm not talking in a political sense), where bosses are more likely to expect to “see” you so they can “know” you're working. Traditionally, extroversion and “making sure you're seen” is rewarded in American work culture in general, and that's certainly the case here in Texas.

Anyway… What are your thoughts?

EDIT: I completely forgot about building expenses and leases having to be justified. That's another reason. Thanks for those of you who beat me to this mention.

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