
Does anyone remember the movie Broadcast News?

Whenever I think about company layoffs I always think about the movie Broadcast News.. probably dates me.. yes I am an old Gen X… Anyway there's a scene where Jack Nicholson's character is lamenting budget cuts and how they have to lay people off because of budget cuts. When someone says well if you took a pay cut no one would have to be let go… And Jack Nicholson's character gives the evil eye and then nothing more is said. That's about the size of it though isn't it?

Whenever I think about company layoffs I always think about the movie Broadcast News.. probably dates me.. yes I am an old Gen X…

Anyway there's a scene where Jack Nicholson's character is lamenting budget cuts and how they have to lay people off because of budget cuts. When someone says well if you took a pay cut no one would have to be let go… And Jack Nicholson's character gives the evil eye and then nothing more is said.

That's about the size of it though isn't it?

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