
15/hr minimum wage is BS$

People need to stop asking for a stupid hourly rate. They need to fight for a wage tied to the cost of living for a single adult with an average number of children in the location the job is based. Having a significant other to share costs or excessive number of kids should not have anything to do with the minimum wage qualifications. Think about it if minimum wage was based off of the cost of living. Everyone would be able to afford housing and food. We wouldn't need government handout programs and taxes could be reduced. If cost of living changes so would the minimum wage up or down and it would still meet the needs of everyone. The $15/hr argument gets so much push back because there are areas in the country where $8/hr still meets cost of living and paying $15/hr would bankrupt most of the business.

People need to stop asking for a stupid hourly rate. They need to fight for a wage tied to the cost of living for a single adult with an average number of children in the location the job is based. Having a significant other to share costs or excessive number of kids should not have anything to do with the minimum wage qualifications. Think about it if minimum wage was based off of the cost of living. Everyone would be able to afford housing and food. We wouldn't need government handout programs and taxes could be reduced. If cost of living changes so would the minimum wage up or down and it would still meet the needs of everyone. The $15/hr argument gets so much push back because there are areas in the country where $8/hr still meets cost of living and paying $15/hr would bankrupt most of the business.

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