
I am sick of working a front facing customer service job.

I work at a nice hotel in my downtown area, and I am sick of being a front facing customer service rep. My job title is Front Desk Agent. I do not get paid enough for the random odds and ends things I have to do that are not in my job description, but more than that, I just cant stand the entitlement of these hotel guests any longer. Its been 6 months since i started this job and I am over these people who think they are gods gift to the world because their companies pay for their room, tax and food while they stay with us. Because of this these people have achieved a “high status level” for the rewards program. These are the people who literally treat me like garbage. Im just over it, honestly. These are the same people who say to my face “nobody wants…

I work at a nice hotel in my downtown area, and I am sick of being a front facing customer service rep. My job title is Front Desk Agent. I do not get paid enough for the random odds and ends things I have to do that are not in my job description, but more than that, I just cant stand the entitlement of these hotel guests any longer. Its been 6 months since i started this job and I am over these people who think they are gods gift to the world because their companies pay for their room, tax and food while they stay with us. Because of this these people have achieved a “high status level” for the rewards program. These are the people who literally treat me like garbage. Im just over it, honestly.

These are the same people who say to my face “nobody wants to work anymore” and yesterday I lost my cool and told a customer “The reality is that nobody wants to work customer service because of people like you, but plentyof people are still working.” and was promptly written up by my manager when he complained.

Anyway im looking for new opportunities that take me away from customer service. I just wanted to say my piece.

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