
Incentive program

I know this is off topic for this forum but you all are the perfect people to ask. My boss just asked me to come up with an incentive program to get our drivers to do the job the way we need them to do it. We absolutely cannot write anyone up. Most of our drivers do whatever they want instead of doing their main job functions the way we ask them to. We are the transportation department of a public school district and we finally got approval for a budget for an incentive program. The budget size is unknown. My first thought was to raffle off cash prizes, the drivers get raffle tickets for each task they do that we ask them to do. Anyone have any better ideas?

I know this is off topic for this forum but you all are the perfect people to ask.

My boss just asked me to come up with an incentive program to get our drivers to do the job the way we need them to do it. We absolutely cannot write anyone up.

Most of our drivers do whatever they want instead of doing their main job functions the way we ask them to.

We are the transportation department of a public school district and we finally got approval for a budget for an incentive program. The budget size is unknown.

My first thought was to raffle off cash prizes, the drivers get raffle tickets for each task they do that we ask them to do.

Anyone have any better ideas?

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