
$20/hr is not enough?

I am having to turn down a job (when I have nothing but

I am having to turn down a job (when I have nothing but <12K yearly income from gig work) because it pays only $20/hr and in the area to which I would have to move, rent would consume over 3/5ths of my income BEFORE utilities and having to own and pay for a car. The minimum wage in the same area is federal at $7.25. But of course no one is taking jobs because they don't want to work.

How can anyone live in this country? I would be homeless, and probably dead (chronic non-disabling illness that would not tolerate exposure), if I weren't living in my childhood bedroom at my parent's house (which only holds till they die, since it's a rental and without income I can't take it over). I literally can't find a way to make enough money to do anything else.

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