I have an interview tomorrow -side note: I'm already not excited about it because it seems like they've bait-and-switched the job listing, which is goddamn irritating but I'm always down for some interview practice, and I do wanna see what they will say when I ask them outright why the job listing is different from what they are allegedly interviewing me for.
Anywho, was just thinking about typical interview questions I would be asked. I'm pretty sure all but one interviews I've ever had have asked that stupid “How many sick days a year do you think is appropriate?” (Or any variation of that).
I think I always answered what they wanna hear, the jovial “well, none if I can help it hahaha pleasehiremenowineedrentmoney” or something simple, like 3 days.
I'm just so sick (haha) of this question. I'm curious what other people say when asked this question.
What do you typically respond with when asked this?
Do you have a response that would potentially make an employer never ask this dumb question again?
Bonus round: do you have any funny interview stories pertaining to this question?