
Issues with obtaining unpaid wages: what can be done?

This is the situation that a close friend of mine has found himself in, he has no idea what to do so please any advice is appreciated. My friend is new to the US, currently living in New York. He started to work as a server at a restaurant but the restaurant was not officially open yet, and they did not have plans for a grand opening any time soon, so when he was offered another job at another restaurant, he decided to take it and gave the manager his two weeks notice. Manager got pissed and decided not to schedule him, which he was fine with. He only worked there for 3 weeks. Since my friend is new to the country he does not have a US bank account yet, so he uses a check cashing service like PLS to cash his paychecks. The first paycheck he got from…

This is the situation that a close friend of mine has found himself in, he has no idea what to do so please any advice is appreciated.

My friend is new to the US, currently living in New York. He started to work as a server at a restaurant but the restaurant was not officially open yet, and they did not have plans for a grand opening any time soon, so when he was offered another job at another restaurant, he decided to take it and gave the manager his two weeks notice. Manager got pissed and decided not to schedule him, which he was fine with. He only worked there for 3 weeks. Since my friend is new to the country he does not have a US bank account yet, so he uses a check cashing service like PLS to cash his paychecks. The first paycheck he got from this employer, he brought it to the PLS and he got his money, but when the PLS processed the check, it bounced. When he tried to get his second check processed, the PLS denied him and told him that his previous check from this employer bounced and they would not process checks from them until the employer pays the outstanding balance. By this time, my friend had already given his two weeks notice so the manager and owner were acting pretty hostile toward him. He explained to the owner what happened and the guy just told him to try the checks again. He’s gone back 4 times and the PLS is still saying that the employer did not pay the outstanding balance. As I said he doesn’t have a US bank account so he can’t deposit the funds to a bank directly. He told me he doesn’t know why the first check bounced (not sure if it’s because of insufficient funds or if it mistakenly got flagged as suspicious/fraud) but he did make the employer aware that he needs to use a check cashing service. Any advice?

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