This is my partners story on her recent pay raise, I asked if it was ok if i shared with yall and said yes.
My partner is a chef at a busy high end gelato store. The store has 3 locations and also does catering for restaurants. She started the job at 15hr. She loves to bake, cook or anything related to food. She liked her job because she “didnt have to deal with customers” (those where her exact words”) After the first 3 months, half of the work force quite for many reasons. from lack of pay raise, to better opportunities. I told her she should also quite because the workload would be pushed on her. She however decided to stay, under the condition she gets a raise. The owner agreed and gave her a 2 dollar raise, making 17 an hour. 3 months passes by and she starts to feel the work load getting heavier. She ask for another raise, and he said no because he cant afford it. During this time, he went on a trip to Italy, and opened up another shop. On top of that, the owner hired a asshole manager who makes my partner uncomfortable. SO she started to plan out her exit. During this time, on her way home, she noticed a new gelato place opening up about 2 blocks away. This is where a light bulb shined bright above her head. The next day they had a meeting. She tells the owner, “last week, the manager of the new gelato place approached her and said they would offer her 24 dollars an hour and she gets to chose her own hours.” (this of course never happened) She asked the manager if you can match it. The manager panicked, my partner told me he got red, started walking back and forward and stopped and looked at her and said “yes”. Before she agreed to take the raise she had one more demand, the new manager cannot tell her what to do or how to do her job. He looked at her and said “done”.
The moral of the story you ask? lie your way to a pay raise and dont let any manager tell you how to do your job, especially if youre good at it. Workers rise!