
Insulted by Higher Up

This happened about a week ago but I can’t get over this. (For context, I work at a daycare and since December I’ve been getting sick non-stop. 2 ear infections, the flu, strep, chest cold. So I’ve been calling off a lot.) Anyway, about a week ago or so I got a chest cold and called off 2 days (and then a third day because of doctor’s excuse) because of fevers and coughing up mucus and such. Well I had no idea that there were 3 other people who called off. And about an hour after my shift started I got a called from the higher up. She proceeded to passive-aggressively tell me that this was an issue and that anymore when I call off (even if it’s just a day) I need a doctor’s excuse. Which is whatever. What I didn’t expect is her to say “you’re being a…

This happened about a week ago but I can’t get over this.

(For context, I work at a daycare and since December I’ve been getting sick non-stop. 2 ear infections, the flu, strep, chest cold. So I’ve been calling off a lot.)

Anyway, about a week ago or so I got a chest cold and called off 2 days (and then a third day because of doctor’s excuse) because of fevers and coughing up mucus and such. Well I had no idea that there were 3 other people who called off. And about an hour after my shift started I got a called from the higher up. She proceeded to passive-aggressively tell me that this was an issue and that anymore when I call off (even if it’s just a day) I need a doctor’s excuse. Which is whatever. What I didn’t expect is her to say “you’re being a burden to your fellow employees. You know, maybe this job just isn’t for you, (my name).” I couldn’t help but cry and she kept asking me why I kept getting sick like this and said that there might be something wrong with me. I told her we work with children and that they do come in sick but then she just kept repeating herself.

The thing is, I wasn’t the only one who called off sick that day and she said our center is the only one who calls off so much. Instead of looking into this and figuring out why, she instead buys us pizza because “of the stressful work week” like that’s gonna help. We’re still gonna keep getting sick if we don’t figure out the issues and fix them.

I wish I could leave but I can’t afford to. I need the money. But yeah, this was my breaking point.

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