
My boss won’t acknowledge the back pay he owes me

So a couple of weeks ago I brought to my bosses attention that he was not paying OT over 40hrs and that he has to. So he calls a company meeting and addresses the issue and basically apologized and said he would preform an audit with the payroll company to see if/what he owes anyone. So before this his theory was to pay time-and-a-half on Saturdays regardless of your hours. So now that the audit is complete, he is weighing the back pay owed against the time-and-a-half pay on Saturdays that he elected to pay and insinuating that actually WE owe HIM. I know this is not true and that have a legal right to that back pay but I am unsure of how to make him aware while maintaining a good relationship. And a little background, I do not believe him to be malicious here I know he is…

So a couple of weeks ago I brought to my bosses attention that he was not paying OT over 40hrs and that he has to. So he calls a company meeting and addresses the issue and basically apologized and said he would preform an audit with the payroll company to see if/what he owes anyone. So before this his theory was to pay time-and-a-half on Saturdays regardless of your hours. So now that the audit is complete, he is weighing the back pay owed against the time-and-a-half pay on Saturdays that he elected to pay and insinuating that actually WE owe HIM. I know this is not true and that have a legal right to that back pay but I am unsure of how to make him aware while maintaining a good relationship.

And a little background, I do not believe him to be malicious here I know he is just uneducated, we are a small company of just 8-9 guys, we are pretty close but however much I may like the job I’m not here for free. If anyone has any advice I would appreciate it, located in Massachusetts if that’s a consideration.

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