
How do you deal with complicit colleagues?

I work for a large travel company. Recent decisions by management have brought morale to an all time low. Positions aren't being filled and departments are short on staff. Sometimes after all hands meetings, they'll wheel out pizzas, bbq, tacos, etc. My colleagues and I will go on about wanting more and not being satisfied with the pittance execs give us, the ppl doing the work. Then they'll accept anything higher ups deign to cast our way by eating it all. This feels gross to me, seeing each and every colleauge w a full plate. What message does it send to execs? “Keep it up, y'all!” Ya, we'll bitch and moan about not getting a bigger raise this year, while ceo makes literally 2000x our salary and the company reports record profits, while the ppl that make it happen happily accept and wolf down garbage meat. There are strings attached…

I work for a large travel company. Recent decisions by management have brought morale to an all time low. Positions aren't being filled and departments are short on staff. Sometimes after all hands meetings, they'll wheel out pizzas, bbq, tacos, etc.

My colleagues and I will go on about wanting more and not being satisfied with the pittance execs give us, the ppl doing the work. Then they'll accept anything higher ups deign to cast our way by eating it all. This feels gross to me, seeing each and every colleauge w a full plate. What message does it send to execs? “Keep it up, y'all!” Ya, we'll bitch and moan about not getting a bigger raise this year, while ceo makes literally 2000x our salary and the company reports record profits, while the ppl that make it happen happily accept and wolf down garbage meat.

There are strings attached and I'm the only one who sees it. I've tried to tell others, but their hunger for now consistently trumps the hunger for the future. If no one ate their crap, they may realize that we want better and their efforts aren't enough, but no traction. It won't happen, but if it does I hope they'd send it to a local shelter. What would you do?

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