
Everyone should push back against their landlord trying to raise their rent right now

Last two times my rent was being raised I pushed back and they either didn’t raise it, or raised it way less, especially if I told them it would be much more expensive to flip the unit than to just let us stay at the same price. It’s not like it’s cheap, we give you 7000 a year what more do you seriously need. Even if it does nothing but put pressure back on landlords, I feel like at the very least pushing back, especially if it’s happening in numbers, could hope to change how casual landlords are about just upping the rent every year. Like when does it stop?? Edit bc everyone’s hung up on the price: example is for a very small storage room under an old apartment building that I’m renting for commercial use. no heat, power goes out all the time, it’s concrete floors, a sink…

Last two times my rent was being raised I pushed back and they either didn’t raise it, or raised it way less, especially if I told them it would be much more expensive to flip the unit than to just let us stay at the same price. It’s not like it’s cheap, we give you 7000 a year what more do you seriously need. Even if it does nothing but put pressure back on landlords, I feel like at the very least pushing back, especially if it’s happening in numbers, could hope to change how casual landlords are about just upping the rent every year. Like when does it stop??

Edit bc everyone’s hung up on the price: example is for a very small storage room under an old apartment building that I’m renting for commercial use. no heat, power goes out all the time, it’s concrete floors, a sink and four walls. Maybe 200sqft. I don’t live there

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