
Middle Class starts at $24k in Cleveland?

This is where I live. If I made $24k a one bedroom apartment (in my neighborhood which is an affordable area) would be $800 at the very low end. Like no off street parking, window a/c hasn't been updated since the 60s. (they'll call it charming” in the ad) and there's half of your after tax income of about $20k… $10k to your rent. Add your utilities, internet and phone and I'll be conservative and put it at $350 a month which $4800 per year. We'll be Frugal and put groceries at $300″per month $3600 per year. With those expenses your down to $1600 for the entire year and that's without health insurance, a car or bus passes/ubers, no clothes no Netflix subscriptions etc, no sick days (because the less you make the less likely you get PTO) no activities that cost money, no alcohol or drugs to numb your…

This is where I live. If I made $24k a one bedroom apartment (in my neighborhood which is an affordable area) would be $800 at the very low end. Like no off street parking, window a/c hasn't been updated since the 60s. (they'll call it charming” in the ad) and there's half of your after tax income of about $20k… $10k to your rent. Add your utilities, internet and phone and I'll be conservative and put it at $350 a month which $4800 per year. We'll be Frugal and put groceries at $300″per month $3600 per year. With those expenses your down to $1600 for the entire year and that's without health insurance, a car or bus passes/ubers, no clothes no Netflix subscriptions etc, no sick days (because the less you make the less likely you get PTO) no activities that cost money, no alcohol or drugs to numb your banal existence, no therapist for your crippling depression, no gifts on the holidays for familg/friends/SO. I'm probably missing things but supposedly you can be middle class where I live yet end up not being able to afford basic necessities? Will homeless in a 20 year d car become the new middle class?

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